Lesley On the Go market - an Amazon Just Walk Out location!

Lesley On The Go, located across from the Porter Café, it is an Amazon Just Walk Out market.  After securing payment you can walk in, take the products you want, and just walk out the exit. It’s that simple.

Your choice of payment methods includes:

  • Credit or debit card
  • CashLynx
  • Dining Dollars

Note: You must set up your Campus ID in the Mobile App in order to use CashLynx and Dining Dollars.  You will need $20.00 or more on your payment option to enter the market.

How does it work?

  1. To enter the store, you will need one form of payment, the QR code generated from your Mobile App or a credit/debit card.
  2. Scan once per group
  3. Grab what you want
  4. Need a receipt?
    1. Credit/debit card: sign up at kiosk
    2. App: Find it in the app
  5. You are good to go – Just Walk Out!

*Once you satisfy the payment option the gate will open. Please don’t force the gate to open.

Important Need To Knows:  

  • All your actions around the market are videoed. Everything you take out of the market will be charged to your payment method. If you overdraw your payment method, you are responsible for the balance you owe.
  • If you allow a person or group to enter the market with you all items taken by your guests will be charged to your payment method.
  • If your payment is with a credit or debit card, please enter your email on the tablet kiosk by the exit to receive a receipt.
  • If you pay with a QR code from your Mobile App the receipt will automatically be sent to the email associated with your campus card within 45 minutes.
  • Please be aware of your balance using the Mobile App if you reenter the market within 45 minutes your balance may not have updated, and you will be responsible for any overdrawn payments due.